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  • Escape From Kyburg Castle

Escape From Kyburg Castle

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Product Description

Anxious, trying times describe Switzerland in the early 1500s.

  • Large numbers of Anabaptists are imprisoned. In fact, Kyburg Castle is full. Yet they won't fight. The more they are punished, the larger their group becomes.

And Regina wonders...

  • A mandate demands the drowning of anyone who rebaptizes another. But the Anabaptists continue to do so. What's more, they won't reveal who baptized them, even at the threat of torture.

And Regina wonders...

She wonders why more and more good people are risking their lives by abandoning the state religion. She wonders if indeed her spiritual welfare was taken care of when she was an infant. She wonders how the captivating Peter Reimann can justify leading prisoners up the hill to the tower prison.

She wonders, becomes informed, then makes a decision.

About the Author

Christmas-Carol Kauffman
CHRISTMAS CAROL KAUFMAN received her unique name in honor of her Christmas morning birth in 1901 in Elkhart, Indiana. She was raised in a Mennonite home and spent some time as a student at Goshen College. When she was 22, she married Norman Hostetler. However, tragedy struck when two months after their second anniversary, Norman was killed in an electrical accident. She worked in a sewing shop following the wake of her loss, but in 1928, her bishop recommended that she get away for a while and enroll as a Bible student at Hesston College. It was there that she met the man who would be her life partner—Nelson Kaufman. The two were married in 1929. Five years later they were commissioned by the Mennonite General Mission Board to start a mission church in Hannibal, Missouri. It was in their 22-year ministry in Missouri that she found the inspiration to write her many novels. In 1956, they returned to Elkhart where Kaufman wrote her last several books. She died in Elkhart on January 30, 1969.

Product Details

ISBN: 978-0-8024-9196-1
Publish Date: June 1991
Format: eBook